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- Mr. Robert H. "Bob" Bow-ers, 68, of Eliz-a-beth-ton, passed away on Fri-day, June 19, 2015, in the John-son City Med-i-cal Center Hos-pi-tal.
He was the son of the late Wil-liam Har-mon and Mary El-li-ott Bow-ers and was born in Ban-ner Elk, NC. In ad-di-tion to his par-ents, he was pre-ceded in death by a son, Robert Har-mon Bow-ers Jr.; two sis-ters, Carol Ruth Bow-ers and Nancy Reece; and a brother, Johnny Paul Bow-ers.
Mr. Bow-ers was a grad-u-ate of the Eliz-a-beth-ton High School class of 1965. He was in-ter-ested in col-lect-ing an-tiques and he liked to fish. He was a mem-ber of Bible Bap-tist Church.
He is sur-vived by six sis-ters, Sandy Bow-ers, Eliz-a-beth-ton, Faye Dean, Hick-ory, NC, Elsie Hum-phrey, Eliz-a-beth-ton, Mary Rowe, Hick-ory, NC, Joyce Clark, Eliz-a-beth-ton, Cath-ryn Mitch-ell, Eliz-a-beth-ton; a brother, Billy Bow-ers, Hamp-ton; two aunts, Goldie McKin-ney and Gla-dys Pot-ter, both of Roan Moun-tain. Sev-eral nieces, neph-ews and cous-ins also sur-vive.
A grave-side ser-vice for Mr. Bow-ers will be con-ducted on Mon-day, June 22, 2015, at 2:00 PM at Dy-son Grove Ceme-tery in John-son County with Pas-tor Frank Os-borne of-fi-ci-at-ing. Those wish-ing to at-tend are asked to meet the fam-ily at the cem-e-tery at 1:50 PM on Mon-day. Ac-tive pall-bear-ers will be Mat-thew Hin-kle, Justin Bow-ers, Johna-than Cal-houn, David Bow-ers, Dale Mil-liken and Chris Hughes. Honor-ary pall-bear-ers will be his church fam-ily.